It didn't matter how many times I had read or been told something. It's one thing to be told your whole life that you're smart, capable, kind, loving, etc. It's a completely DIFFERENT thing to actually internalize this and believe it for truth. By nature, I'm cautious and skeptical. I'm a cynic. I need to see it to believe it, and even after it's been seen, a small part of me still wonders if it's for real. This is an intrinsic part of who I am, BUT I realized that there's another side that I haven't nurtured: the side that says I believe in myself. It's the side that says I can do anything! This new found realization lead to the moment when I decided to take the plunge and become a Beachbody Coach (more about this in a future post).
I haven't felt this empowered and inspired in a long time. It's been quite awhile since I've felt such unconditional support, patience, and understanding from others, outside of my close circle of friends and family (and it seems many of my friends and family don't fully support or understand this choice). This decision to be a coach re-ignited my passion for helping people, for creating a positive change in the lives of others. I decided it was time to be the person I WANTED to be. It was time to give up the person I "thought" I was or wanted others to think I was, and it was time to nurture and develop the person I AM deep down inside (but was too scared of what others may think to let her out).
Sometimes, when you go through things in life or start something new, there's uncertainty, perhaps confusion or mixed emotions. However, at the end of the journey you can look back on the events that transpired and go, "Ahh, I see it now. Such-and-such had to happen so I could learn/grow/experience/etc." During this revelation, it was almost as if I could see into the future. I saw a path laid out in front of me that would lead me to greater financial freedom, that would continually encourage and inspire me, that would provide me an additional road to fulfill my life purpose of helping others. I envisioned new friends, new life lessons, more personal development. I saw a more free, more confident, more successful Kimmie. Sure, there's going to be challenges and obstacles to overcome. Of course, it's not going to be easy 100% of the time. Though, I am already CERTAIN it WILL be worth it. It already is. :)
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