Friday, July 20, 2012

The benefits of being a Beachbody Coach

Wow!! It's been quite awhile since I last posted. Apologies :)  Instead of going over all the excitement from the past few months (I may delve into this later), I'm going to post about the BENEFITS of being a coach. One thing that I'm always asked when people find out that I'm a fitness coach is, "Does that stuff actually work?? How much weight have you lost?" They're very interested in exact numbers, which I can somewhat understand, but I want people to see that there's so much more than just pounds lost when it comes to one's fitness journey and deciding to become a coach.

So here's a few benefits that I've personally experienced....

1) Confidence
I have SO much more confidence in myself. I now have stronger belief that I can achieve my goals, finish that challenging workout or fitness program, or face whatever hurdle is in front of me (fitness related or not). Before, I was way too insecure or down on myself. I frequently had negative thoughts like, "I can never do that" or "That will never be me" or "Others are just lucky, and I'm not." These workouts and the amazing and inspiring community that is Team Beachbody has taught me that I CAN do whatever I set my mind to, and why shouldn't I be able to? Isn't it at least worth trying?

2) Strength
I have increased physical strength and endurance. I get less winded running up the three floors of my house. I'm able to carry heavier groceries with more ease (20lb kitty litter boxes no longer make me huff and puff!). Since I LOVE to travel, it's also easier for me to carry my luggage around airports and up and down stairs. Not only am I physically stronger, I am MENTALLY stronger. This ties into my increased confidence, since I feel better about myself, I also have more mental resilience. Things that used to bother me or set me back in the past no longer have their powerful hold over me. Granted, I still get my feelings hurt and sometimes dwell too much on negative things, but it happens less frequently. 

3) Discipline
I now know, with 100% confidence, that I will not die if I work up a little sweat or don't eat that piece of chocolate. I'm more disciplined and stay on track more easily (not to say I'm perfect 100% of the time, because that's not true. But much improvement has been made).  Once I learned that being healthy is a LIFESTYLE and not some passing fad or temporary phase, it becomes a priority and a daily thing. I learned that living healthy makes me FEEL better (and stronger and more confident etc...), and this gives me more determination to stay on this path.

4) Happiness
Due to 1-3 above (and I won't lie, #5 below), I am a HAPPIER person. Not only this, but since one major part of coaching is HELPING others, I am able to follow my passion of making a positive difference in the lives of others. And for me, this is where it's at. I love being able to motivate, inspire, and help others achieve their goals (whatever that goal may be). When my coaches and clients "get it," I get chills! It makes me want to cry because I am so happy for them. I personally feel that life has handed me a full bucket of great opportunities and people in my life, and I feel like it's my responsibility to pass that on and help as many other people as possible. Following my passion and dreams makes me a happy girl.

5) Smaller pants
Once I started eating better (and drinking my Shakeology every day vs sporadically) and working out, I noticed the pounds started dropping. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a work in progress (but honestly, who isn't??).  I crunched the numbers today, and I found out that once I was CONSISTENT in these healthy habits, I was able to drop 10 pounds of FAT. When I learned that I could easily pull down most of my pants (fully zipped and buttoned up), I realized that I truly was shrinking and it was time to go shopping! (picture below is SOME of the pants I've had to donate since they passed the "pull down" test!)

6) Fatter bank account
When I first signed up as a coach, I figured it'd be a great way to keep me accountable with my own fitness/nutrition and provide a fabulous path to truly HELP others change their lives (plus, a discount on Shakeology and fitness programs?!? YES please!!). The added bonus is that by doing this, I've been able to help fatten up my bank account. Is there a better "job" than this?! Get paid to help people get healthy, while getting healthy yourself? I can't imagine a better win-win situation!

So those are only a FEW of the benefits I've experienced in my own life from coaching in these few short months. I'm eager to see where else this path will lead me and what else I'll learn about myself in the process! 

Questions or comments about coaching or your own fitness and health? I'm here to help! Feel free to post below or check out Don't forget to connect with me at 

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