By the end of 2012, I will
1) Weigh 5 lbs above my HS gymnast weight (sorry, not disclosing numbers here) ;)
2) Have 6 months salary in savings for emergencies
3) Be a Diamond Team Beachbody Coach
4) Have read the Bible
5) Have traveled to one city I've never been before (place TBD)
There's a few other goals, but those are the top ones (and most specific and measurable). I also want to become more confident in myself and my abilities, to nurture happy and healthy relationships with friends and family (which also means focusing on those who count, and letting go of those relationships that are damaging or unhealthy), and to help people as much as possible. I want to become someone that others find solace and inspiration in, and I want to become more positive (which is VERY difficult given my skeptical and somewhat pessimist personality). I want to feel fit and healthy and energetic. I want to find more things that I'm passionate about and dive headfirst into them, without fear or hesitation. I want to follow my bliss and do things that make ME happy, without worrying so much about what others think of me. I need to remember my endless blessings and pass them on to those less fortunate or in need. I must keep in mind that life is about lessons, learning, expanding, growing, and trying new things (and yes, maybe that includes occasional failure, but hopefully it also means triumph in the end).
I feel like I have a head start on some of the above non-measurable goals...I booked a trip to return to London (something I've been wanting to do for YEARS). I signed up for a cooking class (to try something new and expand my knowledge base). Plus, becoming a Beachbody Coach is something I would have been too scared to attempt a few years ago, but I'm taking a risk with it and hoping for (expecting for?) the best. I also booked a trip for Beachbody's annual Summit in Vegas this summer, which is a risk because at the moment, I don't truly know people going (except from Facebook group interactions), and I'll be forced to step outside my comfort zone and try to be outgoing. Eeeek!!!
Here's some tips from Chalene Johnson's PUSH book when creating a list of goals:
Your goals should mesh with your priorities
They should be personal and professional
They should take you out of your comfort zone
Write your goals in the present tense
Include ones that push you to make a personal change
Include one financial goal
List one health goal with a specific measure
Your goals should also be specific, measurable, achievable, rewarding, and time-sensitive.
What are YOUR 2012 goals/resolutions? Be brave enough to DREAM big and take TAKE the steps towards those goals!
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